Wally's banner

Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

me am back... again

Well if u read my post i told u it was me well anyway im gonne harldy ever ppost but u might see me on Cp sometimes... but if u do ill add u.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yo Im Penguin874!

Yo Im Penguin874, and Im the newest author on this site. I was picked while I was on Happywagon's Chat. I will post for Wally till his vacation ends Sunday, and I guess if I am good enough, I could be here longer.
Hope you like my cheats! I have a site at http://cppenguin874.blogspot.com/
Author of Wally3046's CP Cheats


Ok if anyone can post on my site while im grounded till sunday it would be a BIG help! If u could happy could u do it for me u dont have to but it would be a big help so plz?


Friday, July 24, 2009


leish7 just post a comment on when u want 2 add me...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

We have another winner!

OK so Leish7 won my last spelling contest!The contest was to spell the word i spelled wrong. the word wuz answer that was wrong so good job and just post a comment sayong what prize you want.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Should mimo change colors or should he stay the same??? i think he should stay the same but...



wow this gameis so addicting!!!! ITS CALLED... MONKEY KICKOFF!!! its really fun try it andsee if u can beatmy highsvore 4,593!!!

Games at Miniclip.com - Monkey Kick Off
Monkey Kick Off

Kick the ball as far as you can!

Play this free game now!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wally's test

Here is my test to see wut u like and if ur like me...
1.Do u like pie (yes) (yes)
2.Do i rock? (yes) (yes)
3.Do u like xboxes? (yes) (yes)
4.Do u like forest green? (yes) (yes)

if u ansered yes 2 all of the questions ur just like me! and first person to say that i spelt something wrong and wut word it is can either be a mod or my bud.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Catching up on things!

Ok so catching up on a few things... first Happy77 shows a sketch about drafts.. or something like that
Next here is a music jam sneek peek!
Nexter penguins around the world! this is were CP wants u to take ur stuffed penguin figures and take pictures when you go somewhere cool!
Last is another U CHOOSE! but this one is for a new penguin color! there isnt a link but it is in the CPT (clubpenguinTimezzz)the colors are AQUA my fav LAVENDAR and MAROON!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


any of u watch spongebob? well guess what.. ITS HIS BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! im serious its his tenth birthday so.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

sorry guys...

Hey im gonna have 2 quit my blog... JK! no but sorry i havent been posting ive been at friends houses and i wuz at a water park today so once again sorry.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We Want U!

Yes u! We want u to join our army the United Penguins Rebel! (UPB) Whos the leader???ARAKEZI and for more info are army go to www.unitedpenguinsrebel.wordpresds.com ! If u join plz comment and he said to put "wally3046 sent me!" ok? And yes WE WONT U!! lol

U choose!

Here is another "u choose" thing in CP... T-shirts i tied between the tux-t and the splatter!?! Wich should i pick? To vote for them go here http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/2009/07/you-decide-1.php u might have to copy and paste

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Well i dont know if any of u heard about mryomama but if u have and it wuz ur site what would u do? The question is Innocent or Guilty? plz comment

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Short post

Well this post is gonna be short so here it is.for the pin go to the cave its a lantern. And if u want 2 win a free 12 month CP member ship sign up here its AWESOME!!! http://www.arcticantics.com?player=2736 and sory i havent been posting ive been blowing stuff up with firecrackers ;)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I just bought a 3 month membership so now ill still be a member! And wii u won my contest so leave a comment!

We have a winner!!!

OK so the winner of the "what the!?!?!?! contest" is drumroll...Wiiwiiwii1!!!So good job wii and now all u have to do is post wich prize u want in a comment!The answer wuz... the bouy at the lighthouse

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What the!?!?! Contest **CLOSED**

Ok so im gonna start doing lots of wut i like to call "What the!?!?! contests"Heres how to play i will put a picture on this post and the first person to name the objest and the place its loacated in wil win! The winner can get 1 these prizes
1.Author for a day
2.Mod on my site
3.to be on my buddy list

Monday, June 29, 2009

Wall-As back

Well im back from vacation! how'd Happy do? Well ill post pictures l8r but for now... why is it when Happy posts EVERYONE comments??? well anyway thanks for commenting!

Friday, June 26, 2009

DJ3K Update Catalog is here!

It took cp 12 whole hours 2 get the dj3k updates up! I just clicked on the catalog, and the never ending loading thing was on... see :(

BUT NOW THE NEVER ENDING LOADING IS DONE! LOOK! Here's the catalog! To get to the catalog, log into clubpenguin, and go to the map in the lower left hand corner. go to the town. once in town go to the night club. once in the night club either walk into the box of records, or click the purple piece of paper at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

THere are 3 records, Records cost 75 coins. There is the festival record, (fiesta ish) the jungle record (adventure party ish) and the funky one (funky ish) I believe (not 100 percent sure, but pretty sure) you make more money using the members tracks then the classic one. So to play DJ3K walk up to the mix table and click yes. Now instead of taking you straight to the game you get taken to a screen that shows this...

Scroll to chose the track that you want then jam out!
Don't forget, the tracks can also be used as accesories! I dig the green oneAlso, they added lights into the DJ3k game! COOL UPDATES! Do you think the wait was worth it?

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Check it out! there's some saweet new flooring and such in the igloo upgrade catalog. There's a sand floor, archelogical floor, and many other kinds of new flooring. check it out. To access it, go to your igloo then click on the tape measure in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. then click on the picture of the igloo.

Cool Catalog? I'm shocked they don't have an archelogical igloo. That would be cool. Hmmm wonder what is up with the archaeological stuff though... Hmmm.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the DJ3K game is getting updated, and MIMO's awesome commentingness

SWEET! there will be a DJ3K update on friday. There will be a special catalog where you will be able to buy upgrades for the game. The game is not one of my favorites, but this might make it more fun.

Mimo is going to try and get 9,999 comments on one of his posts. each comment is suppose to be an idea for clubpenguin. How awesome is that? So visit clubpenguingang.com and comment even if you NEVER HAVE! c'mon Mimo needs everyones help possible.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Before any of you say "How come you'll be an author on this site and not mine?" first of all, i'm only on it for a week, so that means it's only temporary. PLUS wally3046 is a fellow CPG MOD. I will do anything to help out a CPG MOD or an HICB MOD (the Mods on my site) I don't know if any of you know me or not. You probably do, but just in case. I'm Happywagon :) I'm a CPG MOD. I have my own blog that focuses mainly on clubpenguin, but i talk about my life and how funny it is. Mainly because i don't quite know if Wally wants me to post what ever, but here's the deal. I'll make one post a day. Most of my clubpenguin related posts will be the exact same as the posts on my blog, www.happywagon.blogspot.com Sit back this week, and enjoy me Telling you all about clubpenguin, and perhaps other things. P.S. comment and let me know if you JUST want to hear about clubpenguin, or if you wouldn't mind a few of my random posts :) Anyways, here's the latest new in clubpenguin

Billybob posted a picture sneek peeks of what's coming this summer and he also gave us a hint or two.. here is the picture and the low down.
The team's been working hard to get a ton of stuff ready to make the next few months really special:
Parties - I can't give them all away... but did someone say "MASSIVE music festival"?Costumes & items at the Stage! (Ruby's coming back!)New clothing, wigs, and furniture!
Game upgrades - Members will see (and hear) some cool changes to DJ3K and more!
New Rooms - There's going to be some construction - renovations AND new places!Special Appearances - I can't say too much, but some of our favorite penguins will be visiting... And there might be a chance to hang out with a wise Card-Jitsu master...
Thank you Billybob for that.
do any of you recognize these events? Yes, Ruby and the band are obvious guesses, which rock! but the first picture i was a little confused by... hmmm. I figured out what it resembles, and what it looks like.

IT'S THE DOJO! YAY! Hmmm what do you think the picture means.. did you figure this out yet? I know i have :) Here's a hint. Look underneath the place billybob showed you. Do you get it yet? if not here's a picture with a giant arrow pointing to it?

That means the new room will be part of the dojo area in clubpenguin, and that's probably when sensei will come out of his little hiding spot. Then of course, the music jam will be back! these 101 days of summer (89 now i think) will rock!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Ok so im leaving for vacation tommorrow morning. While im away Happywagon an awesome friend is going to be an author! so tel me how he does when i get back ok?

Friday, June 19, 2009

New contest in my igloo!

Ok so i just got done with my igloo maintnance... i mean total drama igloo wally edition! ill post more about it later but there will be a team contest!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Become a mod!

U cam know become a mod! How? check out the instructions under my upcoming events!

watermelon pin cheat!

Here is how to find the new CP pin!
1.)Go to the beach
2.)Go in the lighthouse
3.)Climb up the stairs
4.)Trip and roll down the stairs ;)
5.)Walk back up the stairs
6.)Click on it/walk up to it
now u have the newest pin!


sorry guys that i havent posted in a few days. Ive been busy and toaday i was at the beach. But remember form the 21st to the 28th happys gonna be an author ok? u do remember Happy right??? ;)

Monday, June 15, 2009

in response to happywagons contest!

Here is my best hiding spot that OWNS yours! lol kida messed up a little on the top but its my first picture. stop laughing at me!!! u may have to zoom in a little to see it though. ;)

101 days of fun update!

So since the 101 days of fun has been BORING they are going to start adding 1001 coins to random accounts that they see doing the 101 days of fun!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mimo party! (I missed it)

So mimo had a party today. i knew the clues but i couldnt come on! I did at the end but mimo left. WEll anyway ill be there next time.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Sorry for no pictures but RIGHT now on CP they are testing out the adventure party it rocks.Heres ut everthing is. The iceberg a little island with shipwrecks, and if u click on the water squrting and then on the whale you get a cavenger hunt the venture hunt!The dock is a boat ride and if you click on the turtle and then click on it again u get another check!The beach is overrun by plants! The snow forts is an ancient civilization and if u double click the flowers by the blue flag u get another check! The icerink is a HUGE pool with a waterfall! THe forest is a mimi junglish area with color changing flowers and a tree fort and if u click the pink flower in the top twice u get another check! THe tree forts are awesome with chirping birds a feed the plant and a free item! The cove has a waterfall and if u double click the big plant u get another check!THe mine is sorta under construction!THe pool is like a shrine!And if u click the grey fish going by u get a check! THe town is like a tiki village! The nightclub is all tiki-ish! The plazas is a campsite with a free safari hat and if u double click on the flower above the pizza place u get a check!At the beach if u click on the bubbles on the right and then click on the jellfish u get a check! now u can claim ur prize!!The prize is an adventure party background!

Anyone wanna help me?

K so from the 21st to the 28th im going on vacation. While im on vacation im gonna need an author for this site so if Happywagon doesnt say yes by the and of tommorrow im gonna need an author. But it wont be just "ur an author" (except for happywagon) ur gonna have to prove urself worthy. LOL(im serious)

Reviewed by you!

CP had a post on their blog about our favorite party. They told us to leave a post saying our favorite. I said the mimo partys. ;-)OH ya and the Adventure party starts tommorrow!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

You choose summer pin!

For the next pin CP is letting us decide!To do this go to there site, go to fun stuff, and click on the post about the pin, then leave a comment. Here are the choices...(above)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Keep me in!

K so Happywagon gave me a hint to saturdays point competition! i cant say much about it but i can say that if u want to see me in the contest youd better leave a comment saying "keep him in!"

Series 3 plush toys!

Ok so the series 3 clubpenguin plush toys! You can buy them at ToysRus, Disney stores, and Disney parks. Also on the 15th the new treasure book will be out!

Monday, June 8, 2009


I FINALLY got all the mimo party clues!

New site!

Here is an awesome blog that that im an author in! http://cpjustforfun.blogspot.com/ This Rrblack's site about CP and it rocks so check it out and dont forget to comment.

Contest Instructions!

Here is my contest. On BP's site they show u how to draw a penguin. here are the instructions of how to draw one.-> http://community.clubpenguin.com/draw/draw_01.htm <- What u have to do to win is draw a penguin and send it to my email. My email is wally3046@yahoo.com. There will be 2 catagories to draw. Best new costume and best drawing of ur player card. They can be in color but they don't have to be. THe contest starts tonight and ends in about 3 weeks ill say when later.Oh and u can do one for each catagory.The prize can be picked from either "author for a day" "buddy forever" or "mod on the chat box"Good luck and tell your friends.

Contest later tonight

Later tonight heir wil lbe an art contest. ill explain later but their will be a prize. So tell all ur friends!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New chat box!!!

Go to the bottom of this page the verrrrrrry bottom and there is a NEW chatbox!

Series 3 toys!

Ok so the mix and match toys havent come out yet but will soon. Where? At toysrus.com ! be sure to check it out ok? Oh and im an author on Rrblack's blog!Its called www.cpjustforfun.blogspot.com be sure to check it out ok?

Help wanted!!!

Ok so i think i got the time for mimo's party but im not sure can any of u help me with the clues? Oh and be sure to check the post under this one.

Summer Vacation!

OK so i got out of school friday but tommorrow is the first REAL day of summer vacation! If i get at least two different people to comment on this post i will have a party!

Friday, June 5, 2009

The safari hat pin!

Here is how to get the safari hat pin!
1.)Go to town
2.)Go to coffee shop
3.)Go to bookroom
4.)Go to couch
Now u have the newest pin!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The first seven of the 101 days of fun!

Here it is!

Day 1, Thursday, June 4
Turn blue, wearthe icecream apron and get 25 penguins and help them find the pin!

Day 2, Friday, June 5
Get a constrution helmet, get 10 or more penguins and try to tip the iceberg!

Day 3, Saturday, June 6
Go to the lounge, play 10 leverls of astro barrier, wait 30 seconds and shhot the blue ship!

Day 4, Sunday, June 7
Get some gear from the catalog, dress warm and get 20 penguins to go to the cove and have a snowball fight!

Day 5, Monday, June 8
Catch the mullet in the icefisshing game but dont forget to make a wish!

Day 6, Tuesday, June 9
Buy a viking helmet, go to the stage and march around saying "hiking and viking!"

Day 7, Wednesday, June 10
Check out CP's whats new blog and help pick a summer pin!

p.s. plz leave a comment and sorry for no picture :(

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

101 days of fun!

Starting on June 4th the penguin times is going to have something new! Any guesses? Well there starting the 101 days of fun. the 101 days of fun is everyday there will be something new to do, check off or find! sounds cool right?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New un-announced party!

Ok so CP is having an adventure party with all of those plants on Rockhoppers ship. The party hasnt been anounced on their site yet but it has on Disneys but anway the party will be fom the 12th - 16th!

Monday, May 25, 2009

The plants are invading!!!

Ok so the plants the rockhopper brought are taking over CP i thinks theres gonna be a party!

Friday, May 22, 2009

New pin!

Heres how to get the icecream sundae pin!
1.)click on the map
2.)go to the plaza
3.)go in the pizza parlor
4.)its by the piano
Now you have the newest pin!

Hes here...

K so Rockhopper is at CP. But this time his ship is infested in vines and stuff. The free item that u get when u meet him is the background but its different...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy77 speaks.

Happy77 talks about the new play at the stage "The Haunting of the Viking Opera" to here what she said (typed) click here -> http://community.clubpenguin.com/blog/2009/05/happy77-talks-writing-plays.php<-

oh ya and rockhopper is gonna be here tommorrow and it says that hes has a special suprise for EVERYONE!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

Rockhoppers almost here!

Ok so in a couple of days Rockhopper is gonna be here and guess wat that means??? A free item! But look at his ship it looks like he brought back his island with him! What do you think?

Fame and Fortune

Well...not so much the fortune but heres two of my friends names that go on CP.(drumroll)
the first one is chill983 and jacky1052! If you see either of them on CP be sure to follow them around all day.Ill have pictures of their player cards l8r ok.(P.S.Chill u owe me 3 dollars)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sorry guys.

Sorry about my computer being so slow. I think it hates me because it loads anytime of the day EXCEPT when i NEED to go on. No but i have been having thunder storms around my house so that might be why. So once again sorry.

Rockerhoppers coming *late*

Ok so this post is late but anyway Rockhopper is coming to CP and it looks like

Awesome CP blog!

Ok so here is another insanely awesome CP blog! Its called "www.cptboyman.wordpress.com"!Check it out.

Friday, May 15, 2009

New carl post!

There is another carl update on mimos secrete site!

Dojo decorating contest!

Ok so cP is having a Dojo igloo decorating contest. Im already starting mine wat about you? But anyway they will decide the winner on the first! so try it.

Nvidias Blog

ok so nvidia has a blog about CP here it is http://www.secretesclubpenguin101.blogspot.com/ be sure to check it out ok?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New ninja costumes!

Ok so this is my first real post about CP on the 17th CP will be getting midievil ninja costumes!But there arent any pictures yet. :-(
Ok so this is my first real post about CP on the 17th CP will be getting midievil ninja costimes!

Mynew blog!

Ok so ive made a blog since im a mod. So thannks to all of you that said i should be a mod!